Do you have a weight limit?
Yes, each horse has its individual weight limit set, as a rule we cannot take riders over 14 stone.
What is included in lesson timings?
Lesson times include mounting and dismounting/stirrup changes as well as instruction. If there are ever only 2 or less people in your group the session will be 30 minutes, 3 will be 45 minutes and 4-6 will be an hour.
When Should I arrive?
Please arrive 5-10 minutes before your lesson to give you time to find your horse/pony and get ready so your lesson can start promptly.
Can I request a horse/pony?
No. Here at Larkspur we feel it is vital to build firm foundations in your riding and therefore building your skills on various horses/ponies that are suitable for you. The horsing is done at random each week out of the horses/ponies suitable for you. We try to rotate through your horses each week or for each discipline.
When will my child move up?
Each child is regularly assessed by their instructor, this includes confidence and general riding ability. When the instructor is ready for them to move up a group, they will let you know.
How are groups based?
Groups are based on ability and size, not age, but we do take it into account when possible.
How does the voucher system work?
When you buy a block of vouchers you get a discounted rate and we know that you’re coming every week. Vouchers must be used within the space of 4/8 weeks from your first lesson and can’t be rolled past the final date without a top up charge.
What if I can’t make it to one of my weeks?
If you ever can’t make it, please let us know at least 48hrs before your lesson and we’ll find an alternative slot to make up it up; if you cancel less than 48hrs in advance you will lose your voucher.
What about when I finish my block?
We ask that the new block be purchased on the date of your final voucher, otherwise you won’t be booked in for the following week. If you want to stop riding, or have a break for any reason, we ask that you let us know you don’t intend to buy a new block so we can offer the slot to someone else.
What happens with my vouchers if I move up a group?
You will keep the vouchers you have in credit and we’ll transfer them over to your new group.
Do I need to buy a hat?
Yes, however we are happy for you to hire ours while you get started! Ordering online is discouraged, we advise you to be professionally fitted at an equine specific store or visit our Larkspur Shop for hat fittings!
How do I get the best out of my time?
Listen to your instructor at all times, watch the other riders in your group and give it your best every week… and have fun! We reserve the right to ask parents/spectators to leave the viewing space if they cause lesson disruption.
Do you offer volunteering?
We don’t offer a volunteer program but if you’d like more time around the horses outside of riding, you can book onto our stable days during the holidays (enquire with our office).
Can I leave site while my child has a lesson?
Yes, you don’t have to remain onsite during your child’s lesson, but we do recommend you stay onsite or nearby in case of emergency. However, we do ask that you don’t bring other children onsite.
Can I bring my child’s sibling on a walkout?
You may if they are accompanied by another suitable adult to take care of them, but we ask you remain a reasonable distance behind the ride. If they are over 4, why not book them onto the walkout as well?